Tuesday 1 May 2012

New Goodies!

Some new products for the UWA Guild Market Days and a custom order for a lovely customer.

I've been busy these days and excited about our potential first home. We haven't got the house yet, but the idea of having the freedom to do up your own little place, and have a proper work/craft area are overwhelming my senses! Can't wait!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Playing with Polymer Clay

The long Easter weekend went by so quickly. I didn't do much though, apart from experimenting with a new material for jewelry. I've recently got introduced to polymer clay and went down to the local craft store to get my hands on some Fimo Soft. It took awhile for me to get the hang of slicing the clay to create a faceted surface, but I absolutely love how it looks.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Stretching Creativity

I've been stretching my creative side of the brain to come up with a wider range of jewelry. Something more unique than the resin cabochons that I've been working with. Decided to pull out my good old stash of beads, charms, chains, and findings and got pleasantly surprised at some of the final products. Below is a range of necklaces using Czech glass beads. I love how the gold chain goes with the bronze bordering around the beads. The design focus is simplicity with understated edginess.

Friday 30 March 2012

Explore. Dream. Discover.

My job in a Swedish stationery store allows me to be constantly inspired and motivates me to be creative. I gave my husband a book from the store filled with inspirational quotes with lovely photography & typography. Here's one of my favourite quotes from the book by Mark Twain.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

UWA Guild Market Days

Stayed up till 3am preparing for today's UWA Guild Market Days, making extra stock and conceptualising the pin board + table layout. The hard work certainly paid off. :) It's the first flea market event for the bunny, and it went a lot better than I expected. Received lots of compliments from passersby and students asking when I'll be back again. Definitely looking forward to attend the next one when work permits.

Thanks to everyone who popped by to buy something or even just to say hi!

Saturday 24 March 2012

Sakura Season

Sakura (cherry blossom) season is just around the corner in Japan. It's such a beautiful time of the year, coupled with the weather. Sadly, the blossoming period is short-lived. Wish I could transport myself back to Tokyo now and experience it all over again. :)

Friday 23 March 2012

Hello. It's nice to meet you.

My favourite furry friend has to be Fifi Lapin. Tres chic. <3

Welcome to 'musings of the bunny' where I'll document pictures, thoughts, craft projects or anything that inspires me. This blog is the beginning of one of my many adventures this year...so hang on tight, and enjoy this ride with me! :)